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Pay With Your Phone #5 – Big Ticket Purchase

Mobile Wallet Payment Experiences…#5

You can watch the animated version here

Pay With Your Phone#5 - Big Ticket Purchase 1


Jane purchases a new TV to watch the Olympic Games

Following on from my serions deadling with Pay With Your Phone #1#2, #3 and #4, this post is about those luxury items with luxury prices. The value of voucher purchase, and the growth of Groupon have inspired this type of purchase across many channels, especially mobile. The benefits mobile vouchers deliver include increased revenues, improved brand loyalty and instant, measurable direct-to-customer marketing

Jane goes shopping for new TV

Pay With Your Phone#5 - Big Ticket Purchase 2


She see one that is slightly out of her price range

Pay With Your Phone#5 - Big Ticket Purchase 3


She checks her balance using her app and needs an extra £300

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Jane decides to increase her credit and selects this option

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After reading the T&C’s, Jane confirms the increase

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Jane makes the purchase and her TV is delivered to her home

Pay With Your Phone#5 - Big Ticket Purchase 7

You can watch the animated version here

This is but part of a selection of consumer experiences russellwebbdesign generated for credit card payment concept ideas. Please contact us further to discuss if your brand really wants to benefit from this new immersive experience here: info@russellwebbdesign.co.uk

Pay With Your Phone#5 - Big Ticket Purchase 8

You can preview the mini-presentation here or via our YouTube Channel here

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