Gardner Stewart Architects
- Design a brand marque encompassing all the technical, sustainable and innovative aspects of Oakgrove Millennium Community
- £500M brownfield site covering 74 acre
- 1,300 new homes (30% affordable housing)
- IT-enabled (linking homes, shops and schools)
The Oakgrove Millennium Community includes all of the Oakgrove and part of the Middleton grid squares. The site is allocated for housing, recreation, community and commercial facilities in the emerging Milton Keynes Local Plan.
Oakgrove is one of seven Millennium Communities being promoted by ODPM and English Partnerships as national exemplars for sustainable development. Each Millennium Community has to achieve particularly high environmental standards, whilst having its own unique identity. Oakgrove’s is based on making the most of high specification Information Communication Technology.
The draft Framework was subject to extensive consultation and the adopted version was amended where appropriate as a result of comments received.