Pure UX
Dashboard UX to Business UI
A one-stop-shop of real-time data from all sources, instantly accessed, no more hunting. Retrieve insights with key info just a click away, a single-source-of-truth of unifying data and the results speak volumes: 56% iPad growth in just 1.5 years with 100,000 meetings powered by the app this year. Empowered and efficient CCAs with a design…
Pt II – Money Management App UX Challenges Explained
The second on a two-part deep-dive focussing on mobile UX design targeting seasoned designer-types, mastering Design Theory, and navigating lean Agile challenges.
Power up your designs with dark mode trend front-of-mind
How to design with the 2023 dark mode trend front-of-mind. Delight, speed and satisfaction are rewriting our UX playbooks in finance. A modern-day UX-er has rapidly emerged, changing the rules of the game. Part of that skill-set is the new must-have which is dark mode.
Pt I – Money Management App UX Challenges Explained
A two-part deep-dive focussing on mobile UX design targeting seasoned designer-types, mastering Design Theory, and navigating lean Agile challenges.
Using Experience Maps to uncover user behaviour Pt II
Crafting an unforgettable investment experience within the intricate world of investor behaviour unveiled a tapestry of needs and motivations that shape financial decisions. Using Experience Mapping these insights into the customer lifecycle were uncovered and common threads exposed.