Using Experience Maps to uncover user behaviour Pt II
Crafting an unforgettable investment experience within the intricate world of investor behaviour unveiled a tapestry of needs and motivations that shape financial decisions. Using Experience Mapping these insights into the customer lifecycle were uncovered and common threads exposed.
What I learned from facilitating a UX remote workshop – COVID-19 SPECIAL
Modern UX-ers need to skill-up, keep pushing best practice UX and do their homework when preparing for remote workshops.
Part II – Designing a Secure Document Repository; Case Study 2019
Second case study post on how I designed a secure repository for large bank. Here I focus on ‘My UCD Design Process’ and ‘Future Vision’ and ‘Design Systems’
[ARCHIVE] Todays’ life of a UX consultant
Being a multi skilled UX-er can drive you crazy, here is how to continually drive your creativity and how to pick and choose that slice of the cake that most challenges you.