Using Experience Maps to uncover user behaviour Pt II
Crafting an unforgettable investment experience within the intricate world of investor behaviour unveiled a tapestry of needs and motivations that shape financial decisions. Using Experience Mapping these insights into the customer lifecycle were uncovered and common threads exposed.
What I learned from facilitating a UX remote workshop – COVID-19 SPECIAL
Modern UX-ers need to skill-up, keep pushing best practice UX and do their homework when preparing for remote workshops.
Part II – Designing a Secure Document Repository; Case Study 2019
Second case study post on how I designed a secure repository for large bank. Here I focus on ‘My UCD Design Process’ and ‘Future Vision’ and ‘Design Systems’
[ARCHIVE] Todays’ life of a UX consultant
Being a multi skilled UX-er can drive you crazy, here is how to continually drive your creativity and how to pick and choose that slice of the cake that most challenges you.
Empowering users with the financial tools they deserve
- Mastering Design Theory and Lean Agile
- Solve big problems, fast.
- How delight and speed are rewriting our UX playbooks