senior designer
Feel Stock Photography Catalogue
Client: Image100 Format: 364 inside pgs 150x228mm 33CD’s 2,820 images faux suede embossed cover 80,000 run 1 generic 12 custom
Influence Catalogue
3,185 Images // 45 CDs // 528 Pages // 158x158mm A collection of life moments images interwoven with various observations relating to some interesting influences and influencers from around the world
“Difference” Photography Magazine
Client: image100 / Corbis Brief: Deliver a brand and sales orientated message across all channels and focusing specifically on the product. This solution must be cost effective and clearly drive home the brand proposition. As a two-tired approach the message should be delivered via traditional media with bandwidth to occupy new media.
“Big Box” Financial Retail Branding
Brief Following a proven concept of retail marketing and how it can be adapted to retail banking, Banco took existing high street strategy and illustrated how it could work for ‘big box’ retailing. What is “big box” retail? The phrase “big box” has become the value neutral term describing this category of retail store. Other…