UK Household Retail Co – iPhone and Mobile Web Concepts
TLDR: Propose an approach fro the The White Company to stay ahead of the curve and deliver an exceptional mobile shopping experience that aligns with their brand values. Contents Insight In spite of its rapid growth, The White Company retains a firm grasp of its core values, identity and philosophy. It is consistently committed to…
Best practice for your on-boarding experience
As a guided experience for new users simplifying your onboarding to prevent that overwhelmed feeling. Test concepts with “Skip”,”Tell me later” and swipe features to keep the process engaging yet unobstructive. Allow users a “sense of discovery” without making them feel lost with easy-to-digest content. Use transparent overlays or more interactive swipe-through modals and take…
Wireframing an on-demand Internet streaming media service
I have been recently working with a colleague on a private project around the world of media streaming. We had got to a level where the tech was getting up to scratch, but the UX was missing. So, here it is. Download the PDF: OnDemandStreamingService-Mobile_Tablet Mobile On – screen blueprint representing the skeletal framework of the…
Consumer experiences
<add summary> contents How mobile payments will change your life “A day in the life” A day in the life for a modern consumer living their life through advanced mobile functionality experiences.
Definition of Done – for a UXer
TLDR: <add summary> Contents Definition of Done As a UXer,the agile concept, the Definition of Done (DoD). But how does it affect me is another question. Recently I have been invited to a couple of chats while looking at potential career opportunities, in one of them, one Dev Lead was interested in my DoD –…
Design Principles #2; Experimenting with layout
How layout influences our design (Part 2) Whether you are working in publishing, UI or advertising, the fundamental ideas (which may overlap) about the practice of good ‘layout’ composition will always form the basic structure of your design. The elements form the ‘vocabulary‘ of the design, while the principles constitute the broader aspects of its composition.…