Wireframing an on-demand Internet streaming media service
I have been recently working with a colleague on a private project around the world of media streaming. We had got to a level where the tech was getting up to scratch, but the UX was missing. So, here it is. Download the PDF: OnDemandStreamingService-Mobile_Tablet Mobile On – screen blueprint representing the skeletal framework of the…
Consumer experiences
<add summary> contents How mobile payments will change your life “A day in the life” A day in the life for a modern consumer living their life through advanced mobile functionality experiences.
Setting up Photoshop like a Pro UXer
TLDR: Photoshop, the designers ‘must-have’ is such a flexible tool that there are many ways to set up your workflow. contents Layer Compas and Smart objects After some 20 years I have found these two to be the most efficient, most transferable within a team, and most manageable i.e. avoiding the dreaded spinning-wheel-of-death Layer comps…
iOS Casino App for the iphone
While the gambling industry continues to boom despite global financial woes, a reliance solely on branding through splash screens has its limitations. This post dives into why your home screen deserves more attention. Showcase promortaionl content, search (as navigation maybe?) and Quick Links as crucial building blocks, including introducing the popular hamburger icon for primary…
Wireframing an iPad Casino App
TLDR: Focusing on planning functionality and layout without design is the most efficient way of concentrating decision markers (especially business or product-owners) to agree on functionality without distraction. Think: function over form. Contents Personally I love to use traditional pen and paper for wireframing. How about you? First launch feature areas This is the main ‘shop window’ to your experience. On first…
Low fidelity prototypes
TLDR: Skip the fancy prototypes! Low-fidelity sketches are fast, cheap, and encourage better feedback – perfect for early UX stages to focus on functionality before aesthetics. Contents basic is still the best? I’ve made a few assumptions here, first… you work in UX. Second, you’re familiar with Agile and third, you haven’t much time so…