How to UX the hell out of Account Management
Good design is easy to digest—the brain shouldn’t have to expend a ton of energy to figure out what the heck it’s looking at. With any luck, people will just “get it” without needing a 6-section explanation.
Unique Lowest Bid Site – UX Redesign
Watch the video here – Site redesign Taking an existing but tired site, refresh and rebrand it up to modern day standards. Logo refresh With a focus on readability and execution, the logo has be refined and simplified. This is only an online print so RGB was the primary driver.
Pay With Your Phone #7 – Make a payment via Social Media
Mobile Wallet Payment Experiences…#7 This is an edited presentation of the principles behind the concept ‘Pay with your Phone.’ Of all the mobile touch-points the (now) more realistic possibility of a mobile wallet, NFC and simplistic mobile commerce is perhaps the most exciting. This post concentrates on the user journey ‘Make a payment via Social…
Pay With Your Phone #5 – Big Ticket Purchase
Mobile Wallet Payment Experiences…#5 You can watch the animated version here Jane purchases a new TV to watch the Olympic Games Following on from my serions deadling with Pay With Your Phone #1, #2, #3 and #4, this post is about those luxury items with luxury prices. The value of voucher purchase, and the growth of Groupon have…
Pay With Your Phone #4 – Voucher Payment
Mobile Wallet Payment Experiences…#4 You can watch the animated version here In-store mobile voucher payment The value of voucher purchase, and the growth of Groupon have inspired this type of purchase across many channels, especially mobile. The benefits mobile vouchers deliver include increased revenues, improved brand loyalty and instant, measurable direct-to-customer marketing. Jane…
Pay With Your Phone #3 – Lunch offer
Mobile Wallet Payment Experiences…#3 You can watch the animated version here Jane looks at her app to find an offer for lunch. Restaurants are able to tailor deals by the hour and stores or services can offer discounts in real time. Consumers can take save a money AND have a unique experience. For mobile…