Typography is the art and technique of arranging type. The arrangement of type involves the selection of typefaces, point size, line length, leading (line spacing), adjusting the spaces between groups of letters (tracking) and adjusting the space between pairs of letters (kerning).
Take your mobile design skills to the next level
As Lead UX, it was my responsibility to satisfy specific user journey’s, demanding stakeholders and limits set by the tech Leads. I took this as an opportunity to showcase certain features, and from an Agile perspective – how they fitted both into the roadmap and overall experience.
10 considerations when designing for mobile
This is the first 10 steps to take your mobile design skills to the next level Watch the animated version here When designing for the desktop you can consider the end-user environment, when designing for print you can picture where the magazine will be read but when design for mobile the end-user scenarios are so…
Branding an iPad Casino App
1.0 Aims and Objectives To produce the best-in-class iPad and iPhone App for playing slots and table games. Recently I was involved in conceptualise and leading the UI for a iOS casino App for both iPhone and iPad. I’m not going to detail all design decisions here but walk you through my perspective on why branding for this product…
UK Household Retail Co – iPhone and Mobile Web Concepts
TLDR: Propose an approach fro the The White Company to stay ahead of the curve and deliver an exceptional mobile shopping experience that aligns with their brand values. Contents Insight In spite of its rapid growth, The White Company retains a firm grasp of its core values, identity and philosophy. It is consistently committed to…
Low fidelity prototypes
TLDR: Skip the fancy prototypes! Low-fidelity sketches are fast, cheap, and encourage better feedback – perfect for early UX stages to focus on functionality before aesthetics. Contents basic is still the best? I’ve made a few assumptions here, first… you work in UX. Second, you’re familiar with Agile and third, you haven’t much time so…