New Media
New media is a broad term that encompass the amalgamation of traditional media such as film, images, music, spoken and written word, with the interactive power of computer and communications technology, computer-enabled consumer devices and most importantly the Internet.
Wireframing an on-demand Internet streaming media service
I have been recently working with a colleague on a private project around the world of media streaming. We had got to a level where the tech was getting up to scratch, but the UX was missing. So, here it is. Download the PDF: OnDemandStreamingService-Mobile_Tablet Mobile On – screen blueprint representing the skeletal framework of the…
Consumer experiences
<add summary> contents How mobile payments will change your life “A day in the life” A day in the life for a modern consumer living their life through advanced mobile functionality experiences.
Wireframing an iPad Casino App
TLDR: Focusing on planning functionality and layout without design is the most efficient way of concentrating decision markers (especially business or product-owners) to agree on functionality without distraction. Think: function over form. Contents Personally I love to use traditional pen and paper for wireframing. How about you? First launch feature areas This is the main ‘shop window’ to your experience. On first…
Mobile best practice for registration – Put the users needs before technology
User Registration on Mobile Watch the animated version here I have recently been involved in both high-level concept generation through to territory specific text changes in the exiting world of User Registration. These are my top 5 tips to help you streamline your process or find some inspiration. 1. Do not turn-off your client Very…
Unique Lowest Bid Site – UX Redesign
Watch the video here – Site redesign Taking an existing but tired site, refresh and rebrand it up to modern day standards. Logo refresh With a focus on readability and execution, the logo has be refined and simplified. This is only an online print so RGB was the primary driver.
iOS Splash Pages – What’s the deal?
Every app needs an app icon and a launch image. This presentation concentrates on the all important Splash Screen Sometimes you have to just stick on the headphones, crank up the tunes and grind through the dullest part of your iOS project. And that’s slavishly grind out the assets for all the iOS family, particularly…