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UX / UI Strategy Workshops

Deep Dive UX Workshop. Help clients solve big problems, fast. Discovery Workshop to Roadmap in 3 days.

The main drivers for introducing a UX/UI strategy early on in your project is to set your ceremonies in place so that you can achieve the right level of communication, share your SME journey data and agree on ways of working for sign-off, requirement gathering and generally producing a consistent digital offer. My top 3 methods to achieve this are;


Document the team’s UX tasks, Sprint Refinements or any other discussion points. These are the cornerstones of your contact with the client’s design team;

  • Add Talking Points / Links / Visuals…
  • Link @ownership and be instructional
  • Include blockers?


From you:

Walk-through a typical user journey from a UX UI best practice perspective.

To You;

Client-side deep-dives also provide the opportunity for client designers to showcase their processes.


(…or whatever design application your team is using)

For UX/UI, Figma has become the design tool of choice. Use this touch-point to guide your new client through file distribution, organisation, branching, labelling, and even help them fine-tuning their Figma skills.

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15 Years Experience | Workshop Wizard | Design System Ninja
Finance | Gambling | Healthcare | Recruitment

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Russell Webb is a User experience Designer who digs deeper when implementing Design Systems, who facilitates workshops with local building societies up to asset managers behemoth and who builds design teams by sharing best practice and mentoring through the stack.

Workshops to stakeholder mngt and much more

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