A2 Mailer Poster Concept
For New Toy (MiG Mobile Interactive London) Developed as a concept only, this A2 poster piece captures the more experiential and design-led projects the company NewToy, a subsidiary fo MiG (Mobile Interactive Group) became renowned for.
Open Day Architecture Poster
Client: Gardner Stewart Architects Brief: A3 / A4 portrait / landscape promotional poster for GSA open day When considering hierarchy, an effective poster should be … Aesthetic – It should get attention so the message is delivered. Focused – It should focus on a single message. Ordered – The sequence should be well-ordered and obvious.…
Key Stage 2 Disco
Option 1 The Diamond Swirl by Myia Option 2 Aztec Adventure by Priya Let me know your thoughts – ideally, we would choose one background image for this promotions and another for the Meet The Parents
Shaftesbury Park Primary – Parents’ Social Evening Poster
Final Selection Arty Marty by Kaceria Download the final selection here: With CDL Logo Print Ready version: Fri28Nov2014Poster-ShaftsburyPkSch-ArtyMarty-CDL-Print Non Print Ready Version: Fri28Nov2014Poster-ShaftsburyPkSch-ArtyMarty-CDL Without CDL Logo Print Ready Version: Fri28Nov2014Poster-ShaftsburyPkSch-ArtyMarty-Print Non Print Ready Version: Fri28Nov2014Poster-ShaftsburyPkSch-ArtyMarty Packaged Resource and Assets With CDL Logo: Fri28Nov2014Poster-ShaftsburyPkSch-ArtyMarty-CDL Folder Without CDL Logo: Fri28Nov2014Poster-ShaftsburyPkSch-ArtyMarty Folder Initial ideas broken in to four sections. Two options for each section, a…