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Design an upselling mechanic for wedding cakes

TLDR: Analyse competitor apps selling wedding cakes, you identified promotions and discount opportunities, bundles and samples to nudge customers towards Pre-made packages to increase premium sales.

Rreatil Challenge

I was recently challenged by a prominent UK-based high street retailer to conceptualise and design an App based upselling mechanic for wedding cakes, looking for an effective solution to drive sales to a more premium product.

My Initial Thoughts:

Thought process and working methodology

Design an App-based upsell mechanic for wedding cakes - e-commerce product retail sales UX UI
Design an App-based upsell mechanic for wedding cakes – e-commerce product retail sales UX UI

My Competitor SWOT Analysis (web products)

What advantages / disadvantages over others. What opportunities to exploit or could cause trouble?

Design an App-based upsell mechanic for wedding cakes - e-commerce product retail sales UX UI
Design an App-based upsell mechanic for wedding cakes – e-commerce product retail sales UX UI

SWOT Competitor review summary

  • The majority of competitors had a social aspect at product detail level and they add value via nutritional info, but there were no sales promotion, no bundles and no clear CTA to upgrade across nearly all competition. Sponsored products was a clear mechanic used extensively to cross sell but overall it was evident there is an opportunity here that competitor have not taken advantage off.

How to drive sales to a more premium product?

01. Sales Promotions at product level

Design an App-based upsell mechanic for wedding cakes - e-commerce product retail sales UX UI
Design an App-based upsell mechanic for wedding cakes – e-commerce product retail sales UX UI

Other sales promotion idea

Offers for you
  • Spend £250 and you get £20 off your next purchase
  • FREE Sample when you spend £225 o more
Premium Offers
  • Today ONLY £269 Normally £199
Other concept Add Ons
  • Personal shopper
  • Club Membership

02. Bundles

Design an App-based upsell mechanic for wedding cakes - e-commerce product retail sales UX UI
Design an App-based upsell mechanic for wedding cakes – e-commerce product retail sales UX UI

+ Champagne

+ Flowers

+ Ready-to-wear clothing

03. Personalise your cake at product detail level

Design an App-based upsell mechanic for wedding cakes - e-commerce product retail sales UX UI
Design an App-based upsell mechanic for wedding cakes – e-commerce product retail sales UX UI

Create your own – My preferred route

Suggested ‘swipe-though’ sections

Start | Servings | Setup | Shape | Design | Icing | Filings

Potential UI


Design an App-based upsell mechanic for wedding cakes - e-commerce product retail sales UX UI
Design an App-based upsell mechanic for wedding cakes – e-commerce product retail sales UX UI


Design an App-based upsell mechanic for wedding cakes - e-commerce product retail sales UX UI
Design an App-based upsell mechanic for wedding cakes – e-commerce product retail sales UX UI


Design an App-based upsell mechanic for wedding cakes - e-commerce product retail sales UX UI
Design an App-based upsell mechanic for wedding cakes – e-commerce product retail sales UX UI

Added value through innovation (AR)

Design an App-based upsell mechanic for wedding cakes - e-commerce product retail sales UX UI
Design an App-based upsell mechanic for wedding cakes – e-commerce product retail sales UX UI


Design an App-based upsell mechanic for wedding cakes - e-commerce product retail sales UX UI
Design an App-based upsell mechanic for wedding cakes – e-commerce product retail sales UX UI

Following research and a primarily UX stage, it is clear that the three drivers for upsell within the specialist the wedding cake eco-system would be;

  • Sales Promotion Add Ons
  • Premium Bundles
  • Personalisation

It was great fun working through this process, and my key take-outs where that sales promotional material like “Add-ons”and” Bundles” although effective, with touch and mobile products it was the ability to customise and personalise the shopper journey that had the potential to be a real game changer here. 

Both in-store and in-your-living room personalising what is already a personal experience, i.e. your marriage, with what is arguable your most personal product, your mobile is clearly the way forward.

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