Operation Edgewood & Christopher Lunn (CLAC)
HMRC has written to former clients of Christopher Lunn and Co threatening “criminal investigations” and raising settlements under section 29 of the Taxes Management Act 1970 if they do not provide a full disclosure. I am one of the unfortunate Sole Traders that is currently wrapped in the investigation having employed CLAC in 2006/7/8.…
Key Stage 2 Disco
Option 1 The Diamond Swirl by Myia Option 2 Aztec Adventure by Priya Let me know your thoughts – ideally, we would choose one background image for this promotions and another for the Meet The Parents
Meet the parents / Rencontrez les parents d’éleves
Option 1 The Diamond Swirl by Myia Option 2 Aztec Adventure by Priya Let me know your thoughts – ideally, we would choose one background image for this promotions and another for the KS2 Disco here
Shaftesbury Park Primary – Parents’ Social Evening Poster
Final Selection Arty Marty by Kaceria Download the final selection here: With CDL Logo Print Ready version: Fri28Nov2014Poster-ShaftsburyPkSch-ArtyMarty-CDL-Print Non Print Ready Version: Fri28Nov2014Poster-ShaftsburyPkSch-ArtyMarty-CDL Without CDL Logo Print Ready Version: Fri28Nov2014Poster-ShaftsburyPkSch-ArtyMarty-Print Non Print Ready Version: Fri28Nov2014Poster-ShaftsburyPkSch-ArtyMarty Packaged Resource and Assets With CDL Logo: Fri28Nov2014Poster-ShaftsburyPkSch-ArtyMarty-CDL Folder Without CDL Logo: Fri28Nov2014Poster-ShaftsburyPkSch-ArtyMarty Folder Initial ideas broken in to four sections. Two options for each section, a…
Hollywood Glamour 2016 – Poster
Driving the glamorous period of the Hollywood using screen legends and graphic style of the period Conduire la période de l’ Hollywood des mirages utilisant légendes d’écran et style graphique de la période Concept Six – Oscars , searchlights and sparkle – No barcode / Date Change HollywoodGlamourPartyInvite-FINAL No printer marks HollywoodGlamourPartyInvite-NoPrinterMarks-FINAL Additional poster –…
QUAND 1925 RENCONTRE 1975 / WHEN 1925 MEETS 1975
Option 1 Unusual design – more for scrolling online but is elegant and proportionally works well comparing 1925 with 1975. Option 2 160 x 230 with all the detail. There is of text for this version so… Option 3 Simplified, without all the additional text. Let me know