Friends of Shaftesbury Park (FoSP) Brand Logo – Discovery Phase

Friends of Shaftesbury Park (FoSP) Brand Logo

Simple and effective brand logo for the Friends of Shaftesbury Park Primary School in Battersea, London

Discovery Phase FriendsOfShaftesburyPark_Logo-Discovery4

1.0 Heritage Shield

Circular emblem encapsulating the schools original logo with and level of “establishment” FriendsOfShaftesburyPark_Logo-Discovery5

02. The Wreath

A nod to hisotric clubs and teams built on tradition, this employs a “shield” and roman-esque wreath as its primary graphic devices FriendsOfShaftesburyPark_Logo-Discovery6

03. The Medallion

Modern twist on the emblematic stamp FriendsOfShaftesburyPark_Logo-Discovery7

The Final Selection

Three logos offering variations on the theme of tradition, the stamp or marque of authority.

FriendsOfShaftesburyPark_Logo-Discovery8Which one is your favourite?